Sunday, December 26, 2010

My New Home @ Mozaic

I have been fortunate to have some pretty neat roommates in my nearly 1.5 years here in the LA area, with only one major exception (you know who you are, and you would never read this blog anyhow). To anyone reading who doesn't know who the exception is, ask me some day when you're up for a hearty saga. :) But I digress. Although I have thoroughly enjoyed my roommates heretofore, and have many fond memories to recall, it is time to move on. Our lease was up this month at our charming Culver City house and so I bid adieu to the persistent background hum of 405 traffic, crappy water pressure, the wood floors and stained glass windows I adored, and what I'll miss most of all-- the bike path to the beach. I've traded all of that in for 830 sqft that belong all to meeeee, elevators, a wall of eastward windows that look out to Union Station below, Olvera Street around the corner, The Original Phillipe's within walking distance, and Chinatown just a stone's throw away. This new neighborhood feels like a completely different town (well, it is), and while I only moved, like, 10ish miles away, I feel like my life has already completely changed.

New photos of my new home:

Oh hey, courtyard view from my front door...That's the top of the U.S. Post Office Annex illuminated in the background.

Welcome to my abode:

Palm trees outside my window!

My lil nook:

That's me up on the top floor!

inside Union Station:

Union Station at night.

nighttime traffic on the Avenida.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

McCall Wooden Boat Show

August is my favorite month. And this is just one reason why:

There are few places I'd rather be than up here. Back to Lala land and my alternate reality tomorrow...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

First patient...

Screening my first patient at an AYUDA clinic. He kept biting my mirror-- I made him promise not to bite my fingers. Little brother is holding the light for me.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Motorcycling with Marky-Mark.

holding some constrictors on State Street in Santa Barbara, no big deal.


The most amazing strawberry shortcake ever. Oh hey, Ojai!