Sunday, September 20, 2009

Saahn Diaaaahgo.


Zanzibar Cafe in downtown San Diego. Chicken panini. Aviators from Nordstrom's. Seaport Village. $1 seashell to validate parking. Balboa Park. Steam Powered Giraffes, robotic-miming-musical-trio. Giant Dr. Peppers. La Jolla Beach. Seal-watching. Ali (she was definitely the best part).

White Coat Ceremony

Good news, peeps. The $6 USB cable I ordered off of ebay from China just arrived in the mail the other day, which means I can *finally* post some photos! I'm terribly behind, so bear with me while I indulge in some reminiscing of recent events over the last month...

So I'm in LA! Moved out here roughly a month ago, and two days ago was the one-year anniversary of my interview at USCSD. Little did I know that that day would be the beginning of my life in southern California. August 28th was the USCSD White Coat Ceremony, officially kicking off my dental education. I'm going to be a dentist for reals, yo!

Tommy Trojan

Me and Mark, a fellow BYU-er

Me and TLee, the awesomest girl on the block. When TLee introduced me to her parents, I apologized that I couldn't shake their hands because I had a drink in one hand and a cookie in another. Her mother said, "That's okay, you'll just get fat," to which TLee retorted, "Mom! Not to people I like!"

Some of my fellow dentites...

My new bff, Mercedes (she went to U of U; I suppose I won't hold it against her)